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Electrical Safety Inspection

Whole-House Electrical Safety Inspection Cost Near Houston, TX

Our Promise to You is to Perform Quality Electrical Safety Inspection Service at an Honest Price

When you need Electrical Safety Inspection Services, trust your local experts at A1Plus Electrical. We keep our promises to you by sending our professional, insured, licensed and certified technicians to you. Our technicians have the skills, knowledge, and tools to fix most Electrical Safety Inspection problems on the spot – quickly and correctly.

When your A1Plus Electrical technician arrives at your home they will explain all of your options before starting repairs so you can make informed decisions before any work begins. We provide Electrical Safety Inspection services and repairs on most brands of equipment, regardless of age, so you can trust us to perform a professional Electrical Safety Inspection job. See what our local Houston, TX customers are saying, read our Customer Reviews & Testimonials. Call us today at (832) 299-1778 for service including after hours and for emergency services.

We’re not happy until you’re happy.

Schedule an Electrical Safety Inspection Near You in Houston, TX

A1Plus Electrical is the trusted name in Houston, Texas Electrical Safety Inspections near you.

Schedule your electrical safety inspection today!

Reasons for an Electrical Safety Inspection:

  • Smoke & CO detectors, multi-linked & up-to-code and not over 10 years old
  • Keep your equipment operating safely and efficiently
  • Identify fire and electrical hazards – outdated equipment
  • Identify electrical problems – obsolete wiring
  • Outdated breakers or wiring not up to code
  • Identify issues before they become emergency problems
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Introducing the A1 PLUS Advantage Plan!

Here at A1 Plus Electrical with the help of our top qualified electricians we have been providing top services to the greater Houston area for more than 10 years. We take pride in all the work we do and value our customers. We strive to be able to say we are Houston’s best electricians. We have a team of licensed and insured service electricians that can provide you electrical advice and solutions, contractive for new constructions, renovations, and upgrades. In addition, we also do exterior, interior, and LED lighting installations.

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